As the adage goes, one’s manners maketh the man. And in the realm of transportation, this holds true for taxi passengers as well. In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, it’s essential to arrive at your destination on time and do so with grace and etiquette.
In this blog post, we shall delve into the top four things every passenger should know about taxi etiquette, from being respectful of the driver to be mindful of the vehicle’s cleanliness.
1. Don’t be a Backseat Driver
In the context of taxi etiquette, not becoming a backseat driver means not giving unsolicited or unwanted advice to the driver on how to drive. This includes telling the driver which route to take, how fast to drive, or criticizing their driving skills. It is important to remember that the driver is a professional and is responsible for getting you to your destination safely. Instead, sit back, relax, and let the driver do their job.
2. Don’t Smoke in the Cab
Most taxi companies not only prohibit smoking in a taxi, but it’s also disrespectful to the driver and other passengers. Lighting up in a confined space can be uncomfortable and dangerous for those with breathing difficulties or allergies. Smoking in a taxi can also leave a lingering unpleasant odour, which can be difficult to remove. To maintain good taxi etiquette, smokers should refrain from lighting up in the cab and wait until they reach their destination or step out of the cab for a break. It’s also important to note that smoking can cause damage to the interior of the cab, and the driver may charge a cleaning fee if the cab is smoked in.
3. Make Sure You Have the Right Change
One of the most important aspects of taxi etiquette is ensuring that you have the correct change before your trip begins. Many taxi drivers may not have enough change to give back to passengers, and it’s considered impolite to ask them to provide it. Before getting in the cab, check your wallet to make sure you have the right change or enough cash to cover the fare. Being prepared with the right change will make the transaction smoother and more pleasant for both the passenger and the driver, which is a key aspect of good taxi etiquette.
4. Keep Your belongings Close to You
Keeping your belongings close to you is an important aspect of taxi etiquette for your security and the driver’s peace of mind. Taxi drivers are responsible for the safety and well-being of their passengers and the vehicle and any items left behind. Leaving personal belongings in the cab can create unnecessary stress for the driver, who may have to track down the owner or deal with lost property. To avoid this, keep your belongings with you, whether it is a purse, a bag, or a laptop.
Wrapping Up!

Taxi etiquettes are not common knowledge. Next time you’re in a taxi, remember to be respectful of your driver and other passengers, keep the noise level down, and don’t forget to tip! Go Comfort is excellent about ensuring their drivers comply with basic manners and go above and beyond for their customers. The next time you need a ride, make sure to choose the best taxi in Southampton!