How many times have you reached your home, opened your purse and realized something is missing from it? At least once, I’d bet. People often open their purses or wallets inside a vehicle to take out their house keys, extract their credit card or cash etc.

It’s pretty common to forget or lose items inside a taxi. Some items that passengers frequently leave behind in their mode of transport include keys, jacket, sunglasses, umbrella, wallet, credit card, phone etc.
Let’s take a look at some tips that will help prevent you from losing your stuff in taxis.
1. Store All Your Belongings in One Place
If you’re prone to carrying a lot of things with you while you move from one place to another, it’s better to bring a large bag along for the ride. You can use the bag or purse to carry all your items together.
Putting your belongings in one place reduces the risk of losing or misplacing them. Many people use multiple pockets to store their keys, wallet and phone while others try to juggle everything in their hands.
However, both these methods increase the chances of dropping your items on the floor of a taxi or the backseat and losing them. Losing a phone or a wallet is stressful, not to mention expensive and time-consuming if you have to buy a new device or block your credit cards with the bank and then ask for new ones to be issued.
Hence, it’s better to bring a backpack or purse large enough to carry all your things. This will ensure you know where everything is and also leave your hands free.
2. Organize and Compartmentalize
The key to leading a neat and clean life with no lost or missing items is to have an organized system in place. For example, use the different pockets in your bag as compartments and assign your various belongings to each individual space.
You can keep the small things such as a phone or a wallet in an outside pocket and store the larger items like a jacket or an umbrella in the bigger spaces. This way, you’ll always know where you’ve put your items, and you can quickly identify if anything is missing and search for it immediately, instead of when you’re at home, and it’s too late.

3. Put Things Back Where They Belong
Another handy tip is to ensure you put things back in their place after you’re done using them. If you’ve taken your wallet out to pay the driver, don’t put it on the seat and think you’ll collect it at the end of the ride. Take the cash or your credit card out and then immediately put the wallet back inside your bag, so it’s secure and unlikely to be forgotten or lost.
Travel around Southampton and Hampshire in comfort. Get in touch with us at Go Comfort and book a private taxi for your needs. We also offer airport transfers and cruise transfers in Southampton and Hampshire. Contact us to learn more about our taxi services.